maandag 14 november 2022

Helpen games om wiskundeangst te verminderen?

Als je wiskundeangst hebt, dan vertoon je negatieve emoties bij het denken aan rekenen of wiskunde op een dusdanige manier dat het ook je prestaties beïnvloedt. Het idee bestaat dat het inzetten van game-based learning bij kan dragen aan het verminderen van wiskundeangst. In een recente meta-analyse zetten Dondio, Gusev en Rocha het beschikbare onderzoek op een rij. Deze meta-analyse is onlangs verschenen in het tijdschrift Computers & Education. Deze meta-analyse laat zien dat het effect van games op het reduceren van wiskundeangst klein is. Dit geldt vooral voor digitale games, bij "gewone" spellen, zoals kaart- of bordspellen, lijkt het reducerende effect wat groter te zijn.

Het abstract

In this paper, we present the first meta-analysis of the effectiveness of game-based interventions in reducing students’ levels of maths anxiety. After searching for randomised studies relevant to game-based intervention for maths anxiety, 22 effect sizes with 913 participants described in 15 peer-review articles met the selection criteria. A random-effects meta-analysis indicated a reduction of maths anxiety with a small-effect size (mean effect size ES = −0.24, CI = [ − 0.47, −0.01], marginally significant at 0.05 level but not robust to a leave-one-out sensitivity analysis. Several factors moderated the results: non-digital games were more effective, while digital games had a negligible mean effect size of ES = −0.10, CI = [ − 0.24, 0.03]. The effect size was also moderated by the total duration of the intervention, to the advantage of longer interventions, and by the type of gameplay: games had a greater effect on maths anxiety reduction when they promoted collaborative and social interactions. Such features were mainly present in non-digital games, while all bar one of the digital intervention used single-player games. The results obtained, particularly weak for digital games, indicated the need to develop and test games explicitly designed for math-anxious students to increase the impact of game-based interventions for anxious students. This will require the investigation of the relationship between game features and maths anxiety through analysing the behaviour of anxious and non-anxious students at play. Among the features that an anxiety-aware game could employ, we suggest collaborative gameplay, social interactions, adaptability, features promoting intrinsic motivation and embedding real-time measurements of maths anxiety.

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