vrijdag 2 december 2022

Je eigen feedback genereren met rubrics en voorbeelden?

Kunnen leerlingen hun eigen feedback genereren en daarmee hun schrijfprestaties verbeteren? Deze vraag staat centaal in een nieuwe studie van Lipnevich, Panadero en Calistro. In deze studie onderzochten de onderzoekers de effecten van rubrics en exemplars (voorbeelden) op schrijfprestaties van leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs door deze leerlingen te vragen deze hulpmiddelen te gebruiken om hun eigen feedback te maken. Uit het onderzoek bleek dat leerlingen in de condities met rubrics en exemplars het meest profiteerden en dat hun prestaties verbeterden na een training over het gebruik van deze hulpmiddelen. De onderzoekers concludeerden dat het loont om leerlingen aan te moedigen om rubrics en voorbeelden te gebruiken om zelf feedback te genereren. Dit kan hun prestaties kan helpen verbeteren en kan ook de werklast voor leraren kan verminderen.

Het abstract

Teachers across educational systems struggle to find time to provide quality feedback to their students. Asking students to create their own feedback has been shown to enhance students’ performance. In this experimental study, we explored the effects of rubrics and exemplars on writing performance, encouraging students to employ these tools for self-feedback generation. Two hundred six 9th- and 10th-grade students participated. Students were asked to write an essay and revise it based on the information provided to them under four conditions: control, rubrics, exemplars, and combined condition (rubrics and exemplars). After submitting the revised version of their essay, students in experimental conditions were trained on how to use rubrics and/or exemplars. Students were then asked to write another essay and revise it based on the information consistent with their experimental group membership (i.e., control, rubric, exemplars, combined). We found that students in the rubrics condition benefited the most, closely followed by students in the exemplars condition, and then the combined condition. The performance across conditions was somewhat variable for the three performance outcomes. Furthermore, the improvement in the usage of the tools following the training session was the highest for the exemplars condition. We conclude that teachers can encourage students to use both rubrics and exemplars to generate self-feedback and improve performance. This way, teachers’ workload can be significantly decreased.

Impact statement

This study suggests that high school students can effectively use rubrics and exemplars to self-assess, generate self-feedback, and revise their essays based on it. That is, rubrics and exemplars have a potential to both enhance self-feedback that leads to higher performance and to increase teachers’ efficient use of time. 

 Lipnevich, A. A., Panadero, E., & Calistro, T. (2022). Unraveling the effects of rubrics and exemplars on student writing performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Advance online publication. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/xap0000434

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