This meta-analysis examined literature from the last two decades to identify factors that correlate with teachers’ classroom management self-efficacy (CMSE) and to estimate the effect size of these relationships. Online and reference list searches from international and Chinese databases yielded 1085 unique results. However, with a focus on empirical research the final sample consisted of 87 studies and 22 correlates. The findings cluster the correlates of CMSE into three categories: teacher-level factors (working experience, constructivist beliefs, teacher stress, job satisfaction, teacher commitment, teacher personality, and teacher burnout), classroom-level factors (classroom climate, classroom management, students’ misbehaviour, students’ achievement, classroom interaction, and student-teacher relationship), and school-level factors (principal leadership and school culture). The results of this meta-analysis show small to large correlations between these 15 factors with CMSE. How these factors are associated with teachers’ CMSE and recommendations for future CMSE research are discussed.
Over onderwijs en onderzoek. Door de afdeling Educatie van de Universiteit Utrecht.
vrijdag 19 april 2024
Welke factoren voorspellen zelfeffectiviteit in klassenmanagement?
woensdag 10 april 2024
Realistische rekenopgaven vooral nadelig voor leerlingen met lage SES?
In many countries, standardized math tests are important for achieving academic success. Here, we examine whether content of items, the story that explains a mathematical question, biases performance of low-SES students. In a large-scale cohort study of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS)—including data from 58 countries from students in grades 4 and 8 (N = 5501,165)—we examine whether item content that is more likely related to challenges for low-SES students (money, food, social relationships) improves their performance, compared with their average math performance. Results show that low-SES students scored lower on items with this specific content than expected based on an individual’s average performance. The effect sizes are substantial: on average, the chance to answer correctly is 18% lower. From a hidden talents approach, these results are unexpected. However, they align with other theoretical frameworks such as scarcity mindset, providing new insights for fair testing.
maandag 1 april 2024
Amerikaanse studie laat zien wat de negatieve effecten van een vierdaagse schoolweek kunnen zijn
Door het lerarentekort hoor je steeds vaker over scholen die noodgedwongen overwegen een vierdaagse schoolweek in te voeren. Begrijpelijkerwijs zijn er zorgen over de effecten van een vierdaagse schoolweek op de leerprestaties van leerlingen? Een recente studie uit de VS werpt licht op de effecten van vierdaagse schoolweken. Met behulp van gegevens op leerlingniveau ontdekten de onderzoekers dat de vierdaagse lesweek een significante negatieve effect heeft op de prestaties van leerlingen. De leesscores in het voorjaar daalden met 0,07 standaarddeviaties, terwijl de vooruitgang in wiskunde en lezen van herfst tot lente daalde met respectievelijk 0,05 en 0,06 standaarddeviaties. Belangrijk is dat deze effecten meer uitgesproken waren in scholen in steden en onder meisjes. Hierbij is het goed om te weten dat de Amerikaanse scholen die van de vierdaagse lesweek gebruik maakten, de vier overgebleven lesdagen verlengden om de onderwijstijd (nagenoeg) gelijk te houden.
Het abstract
Four-day school weeks are becoming increasingly common in the U.S., but prior research is ambiguous regarding their impacts on achievement. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we conduct the most representative student-level analysis to date of the effects of four-day weeks on student achievement and within-year growth using NWEA MAP Growth data. We estimate significant negative effects of the schedule on spring reading achievement (-0.07 SD) and fall-to-spring gains in math (-0.05 SD) and reading (-0.06 SD). The negative effects of the schedule are disproportionately driven by adoptions in non-rural schools and are larger for female students. For policymakers and practitioners, this study provides evidence supporting concerns about four-day school weeks’ effects on student achievement and growth, particularly in non-rural areas.