maandag 18 juli 2016

Veni-subsidie voor Janneke van de Pol

Onderzoeker en docent Janneke van de Pol heeft van NWO een prestigieuze Veni-beurs gekregen voor haar project 'Do I know what you know? Promoting students' learning via accurate teacher judgments and adaptive support'. De Veni-beurzen zijn bestemd voor jonge, onlangs gepromoveerde, veelbelovende onderzoekers. De beurs bedraagt maximaal 250.000 euro, waarmee de onderzoeker gedurende drie jaar een eigen onderzoek kunnen uitvoeren.

Scientific summary of research proposal
Every student is different and thus has different needs to succeed in (future) education and working life. To stimulate each student's potential optimally, the Dutch government and Inspectorate call for providing adaptive support (support fitting students' needs). However, to deliver adaptive support, teachers must know what their students know. As it turns out, they do not. Consequently, students often do not receive the support needed, resulting in underachievement.
Surprisingly little is known about how teachers form judgments of students' knowledge and how to improve these. This project is the first to systematically investigate teacher judgment processes and directly translate these findings into a teacher-aid for improving judgment accuracy, adaptive support, and student learning. Central to this project is adolescents' text-learning ability, which is essential to most school subjects, (future) education and working life. However, 33% of Dutch students score below par and Dutch performance drops in international rankings. Fortifying this key ability is therefore crucial.
When judging students' knowledge e.g., while helping students during classroom seatwork, teachers often use information or cues (e.g., students' interest in a topic) that are not indicative of students' actual knowledge, leading to inefficient and non-adaptive support. Therefore, I will develop a teacher cue-aid (i.e., directions for teachers what cues they should use) helping to quickly and accurately gauge students' knowledge and subsequently provide adaptive support, which ultimately improves learning.
Study 1 determines which cues teachers should use to form accurate judgments. This enables development of the cue-aid, tested in Study 2. Study 3 validates the effect of better judgments on increased adaptivity and higher learning yield. The evidence-based cue-aid can be readily implemented in teacher training and flexibly applied to text learning in many subjects. It contributes to answering the government's and inspectorate's call for adaptive support, the essential foundation of teacher judgment accuracy.

Public summary of your research proposal
Do I know what you know?
High school teachers are often insufficiently aware of their students' knowledge. Therefore, students frequently receive inadequate individual support, resulting in suboptimal performance. This project focuses on investigating and promoting teacher judgment accuracy and subsequently support adaptivity and students' learning by training teachers to use more informative cues when making judgments.

Weet ik wat jij weet?
Docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs schatten de kennis van hun leerlingen vaak verkeerd in. Hierdoor krijgen leerlingen niet altijd adequate hulp, resulterend in suboptimale leeruitkomsten. Dit project beoogt de inschattingsvaardigheden van docenten en daarmee de door hen geboden hulp te verbeteren teneinde leeruitkomsten van leerlingen te verhogen.

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